ART. 13 EU REG. NO. 679/2016 - PRIVACY INFORMATION FOR THE PARTICIPANT IN COURSES/CONFERENCES/EVENTS (click on the link to read the information)
Dear User,
before giving your consent here below please read carefully the Information regarding the protection of personal data linked here above.
Please note that some events might be video-recorded. In case you don’t want to be filmed you are strongly recommended not to take part in any public debate or discussion or speech. Taking part in any of the above you will automatically give your consent to be filmed.
SIGNATURE FOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE INFORMATION REGARDING THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA The data subject declares to have taken note of the privacy information and therefore declares to be aware of all the purposes and methods of the processing, as well as the subjects that will process the data. The data subject is also aware that his/her data will not be disseminated or transferred to non-EU countries, and that it will be protected by appropriate security measures. For more information on privacy: meet@meetandwork@com
ART. 13 EU REG. NO. 679/2016 - PRIVACY information FOR THE PARTICIPANT IN COURSES/CONFERENCES/EVENTS through the website
Last update January 2019
The company MEET and WORK S.r.l. with registered office in Piazza del Sole e della Pace no. 5, 35031 Abano Terme (PD), with VAT number 03828920284, in the person of the legal representative pro tempore, as Data Controller, hereby gives you some information regarding the processing of the data you provide us.
The extended information published on our website is an integral part of this document and the data subject declares to have read it.
1. Categories of data. The Data Controller may process the following data concerning you: name, surname, date and place of birth, residence, telephone, fax, e-mail, tax data, credit card data, tax identification number, images, whether you are a government employee or not, data of the public body for which you work. "Sensitive data" and "Judicial data" will not be processed (see articles 9 - 10 of EU Regulation 679/2016).
2. Legal basis and purpose of the processing. The processing of the aforementioned data is lawful as it is carried out:
a) for the execution of pre-contractual and contractual measures to which the data subject is a party . The Data Controller processes the data subject’s personal data to verify that all the requisites for registration (for the course, conference, event) are met, to allow the registration itself, to contact the participant in the case of requests for clarifications concerning the registration, and for any other matter related to the contract;
a-bis) for the execution of contractual measures with data collected from the health authority. In some cases, the aforementioned data may be provided to the Data Controller by the health authority where the data subject works. This occurs because only the health authority has the right to choose those who may enjoy particular benefits made available by the sponsor from among the various participants in the conference/course. Once the aforementioned data have been received, the Data Controller will contact the participants identified in this way to collect any other useful information pursuant to letter a), b) c) and d) of this article;
b) for the fulfilment of legal obligations . In implementation of the "Regulation of the objective criteria pursuant to the State-Regions Agreement of 5.11.2009 and for accreditation" approved by the National Commission for Continuing Education on 13.01.2010, of the State - Regions Agreement of 2.02.2017, of the Italian Legislative Decree no. 165/2001 as well as in implementation of any other national legislation or European directive, the Data Controller may communicate the subject's personal data to third parties, to the competent Ministry for reporting and accreditation purposes, as well as carry out its processing for tax and accounting purposes, for the exercise of its own rights, etc.;
c) with the prior consent of the data subject. After receiving the data subject’s consent, the Data Controller processes the data subject's personal data to send (via email/fax/SMS/other automated systems/calls without operator assistance/traditional mail/calls with operator assistance) news and information concerning his/her sector of work (example: communications about new conventions, events, courses, etc.). Furthermore, with the prior consent (and only in the event that it becomes necessary pursuant to the law on copyright) the Data Controller processes images of the data subject for the provision of remote educational (FAD) courses/for advertising purposes, etc. The data provided for these purposes will be kept until the revocation of the consent that the data subject may exercise at any time (see art. 7 EU Regulation no. 679/2016 on the right of revocation). The revocation does not affect the lawfulness of any processing based on consent provided before the revocation;
d) based on the legitimate interest of the Data Controller. Regardless of consent and in contrast based on the legitimate interest of the Data Controller, the sending - via email/fax/SMS/other automated systems/calls without operator assistance/traditional mail/calls with operator assistance - of communications regarding new events, conferences, refresher courses for those who have already established a relationship with the Data Controller or who have expressed an interest in the activities carried out by the Data Controller (by way of illustration only, the sending of the communication is permissible even without consent when it is sent to one who has already used the services of the Data Controller and who receives new communications regarding similar services). This processing - according to a careful assessment by the Data Controller does not invalidate the rights and freedoms of the data subject as the latter has expressed interest in the Data Controller's activities and expects information, updates and news regarding new services from the latter.
3. Obligatory/optional provision of data. The data subject is not obliged to provide the aforementioned data, however the failure to provide the data will prevent the data subject from participating in the course, event, conference, or to obtain the training credits from the competent institution.
4. On the communication of data to third parties. To comply with legal and contractual obligations, some of the aforementioned data may be communicated to third parties: 1) credit institutions for the payment of the registration fee; 2) insurance institutions in the event of accidents or other liabilities; 4) the Health Professions Registry Management Committee as a public body in charge of monitoring the event; 5) the National Agency for Regional Health Services (Agenas) as the body in charge of assigning credits; 6) to other public bodies, if this is required by law; 7) the lawyers representing our company to enforce the rights or to defend them in court, to the police forces in the case of offenses, or to the Judicial Authority.
5. Dissemination and transfer of data in non-EU countries. Unless the data subject consents to the use of his/her images, the data will not be disclosed or transmitted to international organizations. With regard to data transfers to non-EU countries, the Data Controller is equipped with autonomous servers located in Italy and for ordinary mail as well as for certified electronic mail (PEC in Italy) relies on companies that have located their servers within the European Union. Even the company that provides the hosting service for the website has its servers located in Italy: this means that the data subject's personal data will not be transferred to non-EU countries. More generally, the Data Controller undertakes not to transfer data to countries outside the EU: if a data transfer were to be carried out, this can only be done with the guarantees provided for by the law, thus on the basis of the decision adopted by the European Commission, or with the protections provided for by the new European Regulation (such as the presence of binding rules for the company), or - in the absence of the aforementioned conditions - with the consent of the data subject, or in the context of a contract between the data subject and the Data Controller, or as part of a contract between the Data Controller and a third party to perform a service in favour of the data subject.
6. Profiling and processing methods. The Data Controller does not engage in profiling. Data processing is carried out using computer systems (using PCs, management systems, e-mails, certified e-mail, telephone, fax, etc.) and paper documents (by printed documents, traditional mail, etc.) and the Data Controller protects the data subject's personal data with adequate security measures.
7. Data retention period. In relation to the processing referred to in point a) the data provided will be kept for a maximum period of 10 years starting from the end of the event, conference, refresher course, to comply with legal, accounting, tax obligations or to take legal action or to defend against a claim made by third parties. In relation to the processing referred to in point c), the data provided will be kept until the consent is revoked, which the data subject can assert at any time. The revocation does not affect the lawfulness of any processing based on consent provided before the revocation. In relation to the processing referred to in point d), the data provided will be kept until an opposition in that respect is submitted by the data subject, which is a right the data subject may exercise at any time.
8. The rights of the data subject. With regard to the processing of the aforementioned data, the data subject may at any time assert the following rights as per EU Reg. no. 679/2016 under articles: 15 - right of access to data; 16 - right of rectification; 17 - right to be forgotten; 18 - right to restrict processing; 20 - right to portability; 21 - right of opposition; 13 - right to revoke the consent given; 77 - right to lodge a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority in the event of violations.
For any request, information or exercise of rights, please contact the following email address: meet@meetandwork@com, specifying in the subject "Privacy Request".
I accept
I don't accept
Consent to the processing of personal data
I accept
I don't accept
Title * |
Name * |
Last name * |
Gender * |
Date of birth * (dd/mm/yyyy) |
Country of birth * |
Province/State *
Place of Birth
Place of Birth *
Fiscal Code (or any code that allows you to identify yourself on an invoice) *
Tax code (or any other type of ID) assigned by the State in which you are established, domiciled or resident
Dear user, this tax code (or other type of personal identification code) is already present in our archive and is already assigned to a user profile. Please, if you have already registered and you no longer remember your login credentials, try using the password recovery procedure available at this link. Otherwise, please contact the organizing secretariat.
V.A.T. (Value Added Tax)
Occupational status *
Profession *
Specialization *